100% KIWI
Taniwha, Taniwha School Production script shortlisted in the Playmarket Plays for the Young Competition 2022
Purchasing a school production gives you access to fully choreographed dance videos tailored to your show, a pdf copy of the script and instructions and/or videos for simple costume ideas.
About Our Productions
Why choose a Hī Hā School Production?
Looking for an all-Kiwi production for your NZ primary or intermediate school?
Hī Hā’s unique dance teacher/children’s author collaboration offers movement-based school productions embracing easy Māori language, culture and history.
*NZ curriculum-friendly *achievable *affordable *fun!
All shows include script, choreo dance videos and costume ideas. Some include innovative StoryDances (just push play, kids move freely to pre-recorded audio – super-easy to rehearse!)